News & Views

An Irish Atlantic Rainforest

An Irish Atlantic Rainforest

Peter Mabey reviews a new book by Eoghan Daltun which presents an inspiring example of individual action in the face of climate change

Bringing More Land Back to Life

Bringing More Land Back to Life

Luci Attala gives an update on the Kogi’s exciting regeneration project, Munekan Masha, in Colombia

Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You

Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You

Charlotte Maberly reviews a new book that argues that it is only by including human beings in nature that we can preserve it

Poems for These Times: 18 – New Year 2024

Poems for These Times: 18 – New Year 2024

Benjamin Zepahniah | Faceless
“You have to look beyond the face // to see the person true // Down within my inner space // I am the same as you…”

Cold Fingers

Cold Fingers

Kathy Tiernan, in the midst of a bitter winter, contemplates the history of coal and colonialism in the North of England

Introducing… Fantastic Fungi

Introducing… Fantastic Fungi

David Hyams is inspired by a documentary which presents recent research into these extraordinary beings, and proposes that they hold the key to our future on earth

Poems for These Times: 17

Poems for These Times: 17

Taras Shevchenko | Calamity Again

“Dear God, calamity again!
It was so peaceful, so serene;
We had just begun to break the chains…”

Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

Roland Ashby | remembers the Vietnamese Zen master, who died on 22 January at the age of 95

Touching the Sun

Touching the Sun

David Hornsby | talks with Professor Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, about two exciting initiatives in space exploration

Thank God for Desmond Tutu

Thank God for Desmond Tutu

Christopher Ryan | pays a poetic tribute to the South African archbishop and human rights activist who died on 26th December

Reflections: Beside Still Waters

Reflections: Beside Still Waters

James Harpur | contemplates St Columba, Covid and the Rainmaker, and asks: how can we make our living conditions less hostile?

In Memory of Etel Adnan

In Memory of Etel Adnan

David Hornsby | pays tribute to the Lebanese writer and painter who died in Paris on 14th November at the age of 96

Review: Finding the Mother Tree

Review: Finding the Mother Tree

David Hyams | reviews Suzanne Simard’s book about the intelligence and cooperative behaviour of trees

Poems for These Times: 16

Poems for These Times: 16

Jane Hirshfield | The Monk Stood Beside a Wheelbarrow

“The monk stood by a wheelbarrow, weeping.
God or Buddha nowhere to be seen –
These tears were fully human…”

Review: Silicon

Review: Silicon

Richard Gault | reviews the autobiography of Federico Faggin, the man who invented the silicon chip, who is now putting forward a new theory of consciousness

Making Paradise: Exploring the Concept of Eden

Making Paradise: Exploring the Concept of Eden

Jane Clark | visits the Making Paradise exhibition at the Aga Khan Centre in London, which explores our notions of Eden as a place of peace and tranquillity

Reflections: Covid Refuge

Reflections: Covid Refuge

Robert Hirschfield | contemplates the experience of locked-down New York

Review: The Great Re-Think

Review: The Great Re-Think

Richard Gault | reviews the latest book by Colin Tudge, which lays out a new vision for agriculture and farming based upon principles of unity and compassion

Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi / Warren Kenton

Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi / Warren Kenton

Joanna Lapage-Browne | pays tribute to a visionary thinker whose lifework was to revive the tradition of Kabbalah for the contemporary world

Poems for These Times: 15

Poems for These Times: 15

Laurie Lee | Twelfth Night

“No night could be darker than this night, no cold so cold,
as the blood snaps like a wire
and the heart’s sap stills…”

Reflections: Wild Cycling

Reflections: Wild Cycling

Kathy Tiernan | discovers the delights of wild places during the Covid-19 lockdown

The Idea of the World

The Idea of the World

Richard Gault | reviews Bernardo Kastrup’s recent book, which aims to re-instate consciousness as the fundamental principle of reality

Poems for These Times: 14

Poems for These Times: 14

Seamus Heaney | From The Cure at Troy

“… So hope for a great sea-change
On the far side of revenge.
Believe that further shore
Is reachable from here…”

Poems for These Times: 13

Poems for These Times: 13

Kathleen Raine | The Instrument

“… And it may be that soul extends
Organs of sense
Tuned to waves here scarcely heard…”

Poems for These Times: 12

Poems for These Times: 12

Ted Hughes | A Green Mother

“Why are you afraid?
In the house of the dead are many cradles.
The earth is a busy hive of heavens…”

Poems for These Times: 11

Poems for These Times: 11

John Milton | “Adam’s Lament” from Paradise Lost

“O miserable mankind, to what fall
Degraded, to what wretched state reserved!…”

Dante, Erotic Love and the Path to God

Dante, Erotic Love and the Path to God

Mark Vernon | On the 700-year anniversary of The Divine Comedy, Mark Vernon explores a pivotal moment of transformation in the Purgatorio in which Dante gets a glimpse of the vastness of Divine Love

Poems for These Times: 10

Poems for These Times: 10

Elizabeth Jennings | Song of Time

“Deliver time and let it go
Under wild clouds and passive moon.
Once it was fast, now it is slow…”

Poems for These Times: 9

Poems for These Times: 9

Rainer Maria Rilke | The Tenth Duino Elegy

“Someday, emerging at last from the violent insight,
let me sing out jubilation and praise to assenting angels…”

Poems for These Times: 8

Poems for These Times: 8

Benjamin Zephaniah | The Old Truth

“Rumour has it
Once upon a time
Dere was Peace, Luv and Unity…”

Poems for These Times: 7

Poems for These Times: 7

Rupert Brooke | The Dead

“These hearts were woven of human joys and cares,
Washed marvellously with sorrow, swift to mirth…”

Poems for These Times: 6

Poems for These Times: 6

Amir Khusrau | Ghazal 1836

“Green is newly sprouted
and rain comes scattering pearls
and the heart comes
to incline to fields
and flowing waters…”

Poems for These Times: 5

Poems for These Times: 5

Jane Hirshfield | The Weighing

“The heart’s reasons
seen clearly,
even the hardest will carry
its whip-marks and sadness…

Dom Sylvester Houédard: tantric poetries

Dom Sylvester Houédard: tantric poetries

Charles Verey | A review of an exhibition of work done  in the 1960s and 70s by the remarkable monk/poet, whose lifework was to develop a universal form of spirituality.

Poems for These Times: 4

Poems for These Times: 4

D. H. Lawrence  | Trust

“Oh we’ve got to trust
one another again
in some essentials…”

Poems for These Times: 3

Poems for These Times: 3

Czesław Miłosz  | Before Majesty

“It is bitter to praise God in misfortune…”

Poems for These Times: 2

Poems for These Times: 2

Lao Tzu | Tao Te Ching, Chapter Forty-seven

“Without going outside, you may know the whole world…”

Poems for These Times: 1

Poems for These Times: 1

Lynn Ungar | Pandemic

“What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times? […]”

Free, Fair and Alive

Free, Fair and Alive

Michael Dunwell | This inspiring book by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich explores in depth the theory and practice of ‘The Commons’ – a new way of thinking about economics that is not based upon the individual per se, but recognises the deep connections between our own interests and well-being of others.

A Secret History of Christianity

A Secret History of Christianity

Johnathan Sunley | Mark Vernon’s new book draws upon the ideas of Owen Barfield, ‘the last Inkling’, to give us a deeper perspective not only on Christianity but also on the way that human consciousness and spirituality has evolved. In the contemporary world, he argues, “we must be mystics”.

Consciousness and the Computer

Consciousness and the Computer

Richard Gault | Jeremy Naydler’s book In the Shadow of the Machine: The Prehistory of the Computer and the Evolution of Consciousness is an erudite and insightful exploration of digital technology and its philosophical/spiritual meaning.

A West-Eastern Divan for our Time

A West-Eastern Divan for our Time

Robin Thomson | In 1819, Goethe initiated a ground-breaking poetic dialogue between East and West with his tribute the Persian poet, Hafiz. This year, a new project has brought together poets from around the world to create A New Divan for the contemporary world.

Underland: A Deep Time Journey

Underland: A Deep Time Journey

Barbara Vellacott | Robert Macfarlane’s latest book takes us to extraordinary places deep under the earth, bringing together the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the journey into darkness.

Henry Moore’s “Helmet Heads”

Henry Moore’s “Helmet Heads”

Johnathan Sunley | An exhibition at the Wallace Collection in London displays this remarkable series of sculptures for the first time, exploring the complex relationship between inner and outer, container and contained.

St Cuthbert of Farne

St Cuthbert of Farne

Kathy Tiernan | talks to Jane Clark about her latest book on the great Northumbrian saint and why she feels that St Cuthbert still has relevance for us in the 21st century.

Civilisations: A Personal View

Civilisations: A Personal View

Johnathan Sunley | A review of the BBC’s 2018 series. This presented a cornucopia of artistic achievement from all over the world, but in the end it failed to see “the one in the play of the many”.


An Irish Atlantic Rainforest

An Irish Atlantic Rainforest

Peter Mabey reviews a new book by Eoghan Daltun which presents an inspiring example of individual action in the face of climate change

Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You

Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You

Charlotte Maberly reviews a new book that argues that it is only by including human beings in nature that we can preserve it

Cold Fingers

Cold Fingers

Kathy Tiernan, in the midst of a bitter winter, contemplates the history of coal and colonialism in the North of England

Introducing… Fantastic Fungi

Introducing… Fantastic Fungi

David Hyams is inspired by a documentary which presents recent research into these extraordinary beings, and proposes that they hold the key to our future on earth

Poems for These Times: 17

Poems for These Times: 17

Taras Shevchenko | Calamity Again

“Dear God, calamity again!
It was so peaceful, so serene;
We had just begun to break the chains…”

Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

Roland Ashby | remembers the Vietnamese Zen master, who died on 22 January at the age of 95

Touching the Sun

Touching the Sun

David Hornsby | talks with Professor Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, about two exciting initiatives in space exploration

Thank God for Desmond Tutu

Thank God for Desmond Tutu

Christopher Ryan | pays a poetic tribute to the South African archbishop and human rights activist who died on 26th December

Reflections: Beside Still Waters

Reflections: Beside Still Waters

James Harpur | contemplates St Columba, Covid and the Rainmaker, and asks: how can we make our living conditions less hostile?

In Memory of Etel Adnan

In Memory of Etel Adnan

David Hornsby | pays tribute to the Lebanese writer and painter who died in Paris on 14th November at the age of 96

Poems for These Times: 16

Poems for These Times: 16

Jane Hirshfield | The Monk Stood Beside a Wheelbarrow

“The monk stood by a wheelbarrow, weeping.
God or Buddha nowhere to be seen –
These tears were fully human…”

Review: Silicon

Review: Silicon

Richard Gault | reviews the autobiography of Federico Faggin, the man who invented the silicon chip, who is now putting forward a new theory of consciousness

Review: The Great Re-Think

Review: The Great Re-Think

Richard Gault | reviews the latest book by Colin Tudge, which lays out a new vision for agriculture and farming based upon principles of unity and compassion

Poems for These Times: 15

Poems for These Times: 15

Laurie Lee | Twelfth Night

“No night could be darker than this night, no cold so cold,
as the blood snaps like a wire
and the heart’s sap stills…”

Reflections: Wild Cycling

Reflections: Wild Cycling

Kathy Tiernan | discovers the delights of wild places during the Covid-19 lockdown

The Idea of the World

The Idea of the World

Richard Gault | reviews Bernardo Kastrup’s recent book, which aims to re-instate consciousness as the fundamental principle of reality

Poems for These Times: 14

Poems for These Times: 14

Seamus Heaney | From The Cure at Troy

“… So hope for a great sea-change
On the far side of revenge.
Believe that further shore
Is reachable from here…”

Poems for These Times: 13

Poems for These Times: 13

Kathleen Raine | The Instrument

“… And it may be that soul extends
Organs of sense
Tuned to waves here scarcely heard…”



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