Neurodiversity and Creativity

Catalysing change through artful agitation: a conversation with artist and researcher Dr Kai Syng Tan

‘There are many different ways of being human; people have different brains, different minds, different modes of communication and different modes of behaviour.’

Fighting Fire with Fire

Victor Steffensen talks to Rosemary Rule about his pioneering work reintroducing indigenous cultural burning practices in Australia

‘Climate change means the land is telling us something. It is not all doom and gloom. If we look at it the right way, it is an opportunity for change.’

Rediscovering Our Earth Emotions

Environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht talks about climate change, solastalgia and his inspiring vision for the future

“I envisage the next age as one where we learn to live in harmony with the rest of creation – when the idea of symbiosis, rather than competition, becomes the basis for our reconnection to the rest of life.”

Paddling the Magic Canoe: The Wisdom of Wa’xaid

Briony Penn talks about her relationship with the native elder Cecil Paul and their campaign to preserve the glorious Kitlope River area in Canada

“The thing I discovered with Cecil was a coherent world view and a culture which is all about relationship. If you get out of relationship then you are in trouble.”

The Healing Power of Plants

Anne McIntyre on the Western and Eastern traditions of herbal medicine, and their importance in the contemporary world

“Herbs are amazing because they resonate on all the different levels; mental, emotional, physical, and also at a spiritual level.”

Rewilding: A Hope for the Future

In the light of the recent UN report on the radical decline of biodiversity, Richard Twinch investigates a movement which promises to restore ecological harmony

“Nature can bounce back, as long as we have the will to let it.”