Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers and Human Nature
Richard Gault reviews a new book by one of the leading lights of the science of consciousness
Mind and Matter Entangled
Dr Dean Radin talks about a lifetime of experimental work on the intersection of physics and consciousness
‘The implications that consciousness is doing something in the physical world would be revolutionary from a mainstream perspective.’
Introducing… Bernardo Kastrup and Swami Sarvapriyananda
Charlotte Maberly appreciates a wide-ranging video conversation about Eastern and Western concepts of the self and mind
Consciousness as the Ground of Being
Physicist Federico Faggin talks about his new theory which puts our inner experience and the desire to know ourselves at the centre of reality
‘We have to imagine that everything is made of an undivided energy that has the desire and the capacity to experience and know itself.’
Review: Silicon
Richard Gault | reviews the autobiography of Federico Faggin, the man who invented the silicon chip, who is now putting forward a new theory of consciousness
Entangled Life: Merlin Sheldrake
Merlin Sheldrake talks about the remarkable world of fungi and what they can tell us about ourselves
“We could allow fungi to be what they are, and let them populate our imaginations with useful analogies of how to make sense of ourselves”
Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm
Director Paul Howard talks about his new film about a remarkable physicist with a radically holistic vision
“Bohm’s theories are rooted in the idea of wholeness. Everything that we see in our everyday world of space and time is in fact interconnected and not separate at a deeper level of reality.”
Wholeness, Timelessness and Unfolding Meaning
An interview from the archives with physicist and philosopher David Bohm
“We have a tacit thought that everything that exists, exists in time and space. But this may not cohere with what we are finding now in physics and many other areas.”
Memory, Habits and Wholeness
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake challenges the dogmas of conventional science, and explains how recent research supports his alternative theory of morphic resonance
“Self-resonance is what underlies the being of everything, otherwise it would not have an ongoing existence.”
Doughnut Economics
Kate Raworth’s new book asks: how we can reconcile the needs of humanity with the needs of the planet?
“The most powerful tool in economics is not money, nor even algebra. It is a pencil. Because with a pencil you can redraw the world.”
The Century of Complexity
Dr. Vasileios Basios talks to Jane Clark and Michael Cohen about new ideas in science
“I think we have to come back to considering the ancient concept of the ‘great chain of being’ – that somehow consciousness manifests itself from the rock to the plant to the human being.”
Three Transitions
Richard Twinch on Cultural Change
“The past is not just a heap of outmoded algorithms, but a valuable resource to be archaeologically unpicked and valued.”
An Irish Atlantic Rainforest
Peter Mabey reviews a new book by Eoghan Daltun which presents an inspiring example of individual action in the face of climate change
AI and Spiritual Intelligence
Mark Vernon dives into the debate surrounding digital technology
‘Where AI processes what is concrete and known, spiritual intelligence is alert to the ineffable, the paradoxical, the mythological.’
Book Review: “The Matter with Things” by Iain McGilchrist
Richard Gault reviews the magnum opus of an extraordinary thinker who lays out a detailed argument for the unity of the world
Touching the Sun
David Hornsby | talks with Professor Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, about two exciting initiatives in space exploration
Mind over Matter
Scientist and philosopher Bernardo Kastrup discusses his critique of materialism and argues that reality is essentially mental
”If we absorb the notion that matter is only an appearance, then suddenly the entire physical world becomes like a book to be read because it’s an indication – a sign – of something behind it.“
The Future Prospects for Humanity
Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, on the threats to our survival in the 21st century, and the need to take a cosmic perspective
“The more we learn, the more astonishing it is that the world has emerged with all this beauty and wonder. And so naturally, we want to preserve it.”
Panpsychism and the Problem of Consciousness
Richard Gault explores a revolution in scientific and philosophical thought
“Consciousness is at one and the same time both the most real of phenomena and the most elusive.”
Consciousness and the Computer
Richard Gault | Jeremy Naydler’s book In the Shadow of the Machine: The Prehistory of the Computer and the Evolution of Consciousness is an erudite and insightful exploration of digital technology and its philosophical/spiritual meaning.
Beauty Happens
Ornithologist Richard Prum challenges the orthodox view of evolution to argue for the importance of beauty, pleasure and desire in shaping the natural world
“What was really revolutionary about Darwin’s proposal was the idea that the subjective experience of animals was a force in evolution.”
A Biology of Wonder
Dr Andreas Weber talks to David Hornsby about a new way of understanding nature
“It is intrinsic to life to create the experience of self through connection. What is the difference between this and saying that there is an intrinsic yearning to love?”
Getting Back in Time
Richard Gault on technology and our relationship to time
“Lewis Mumford designated the clock as the most critical invention for our civilisation.”
The Ecology of Money
Ciaran Mundy, Director of the Bristol Pound, explains the difference between money and real wealth
“We should not refuse to engage with the world of complex finance.”