Rolling Out the Doughnut
Leonora Grcheva of DEAL talks about how Kate Raworth’s innovative economic theory is being translated into sustainable practice in cities across the world
‘The Doughnut gives us a new way to conceptualise who we are, how we position ourselves as part of the living world, and how we can reimagine our future’
The Power of Gold
Alan Ereira talks about his new book, which traces the relationship between human beings and this most precious metal over a period of 7,000 years
‘The notion that gold contains immutable value is somehow enormously powerful. Of course, gold doesn’t actually have that value in itself; we attribute that to it without thinking, unconsciously.’
Book Review: “Work: A Deep History” by James Suzman
Richard Gault reviews a new book which takes a radical approach to contemporary work culture
The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis by Amitav Ghosh
Christopher Ryan | reviews an insightful new book on climate change by the distinguished novelist
African Apocalypse
Rob Lemkin and Femi Nylander on the making of their new film about the realities and legacies of colonialism
“This was not just something that occurred in a faraway place. These events – not just in Niger but in all subjugated countries – formed the modern world”
Free, Fair and Alive
Michael Dunwell | This inspiring book by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich explores in depth the theory and practice of ‘The Commons’ – a new way of thinking about economics that is not based upon the individual per se, but recognises the deep connections between our own interests and well-being of others.
The Universal Language of Football
Kawther Luay explains how the Homeless World Cup is giving hope to thousands of people all over the world, and talks to its co-founder Mel Young
“Being a part of something bigger than themselves has the potential to change peoples’ lives.”
Reconciliation and Justice in Australia
How a nation is trying to heal the wounds of its colonial past and reconcile with its indigenous people
“People had been asked: ‘What can be done to heal the situation?’ and many had replied, ‘If only someone would say sorry’.”
Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama
Jane Carroll visits a new memorial which aims to heal a dark period of American history
“We have to face up to the past in order to come to a proper understanding of ourselves and our world.”
The Revival of the Commons
Political strategist David Bollier explains how a new economic/cultural paradigm is challenging the increasing ‘enclosure’ of wealth and human creativity
“Identity and human flourishing come about through having a connection, a relationship with others, including non-human life and the earth itself.”
Doughnut Economics
Kate Raworth’s new book asks: how we can reconcile the needs of humanity with the needs of the planet?
“The most powerful tool in economics is not money, nor even algebra. It is a pencil. Because with a pencil you can redraw the world.”
Narratives for a Unified World
Andrew Singer talks about the vision behind the literary journal Trafika Europe
“Regardless of the political and economic uncertainty, there is a cultural continuity and a unity to Europe that already stretches back hundreds of years.”
Three Transitions
Richard Twinch on Cultural Change
“The past is not just a heap of outmoded algorithms, but a valuable resource to be archaeologically unpicked and valued.”
Understanding Strangers
Inspire Dialogue 2016
“Conversation is an existential ‘turning-towards’ the other in recognition of what it means to be human.”
The Ecology of Money
Ciaran Mundy, Director of the Bristol Pound, explains the difference between money and real wealth
“We should not refuse to engage with the world of complex finance.”