George William Russell: A Forgotten Irish Mystic

Gabriel Rosenstock gives a poetic response to twelve visionary paintings by the ‘myriad-minded’ writer and polymath

‘[Through his works] we may see the world once more in its primal beauty, may recover a sense of the long-forgotten but inextinguishable grandeur of the soul’

Neurodiversity and Creativity

Catalysing change through artful agitation: a conversation with artist and researcher Dr Kai Syng Tan

‘There are many different ways of being human; people have different brains, different minds, different modes of communication and different modes of behaviour.’

COPY OF A Thing of Beauty…

Barbara Vellacott contemplates the indescribability of beauty in Dante’s Paradiso

“Beauty is a divine vibration which sings in poet, poem, reader and listener. But its essence is nevertheless indescribable.”

A Bride Married to Amazement

Kawther Luay | In memory of Mary Oliver, a modern mystic, and possibly our era’s most cherished American poet – known for her compassionate and attentive regard for the natural world – who died on 17 January 2019.

Television and the Retreat from Consciousness

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