Jun 29, 2018 | Metaphysics & Spirituality
Khojeste Mistree talks about one of the world’s oldest surviving religions and what we can learn from it in the present day
“One of the principles of the Zoroastrian way of life is to promote harmony in this world, and we believe that harmony begins by being happy within ourselves.”
Mar 11, 2018 | Arts & Literature, Metaphysics & Spirituality
The inclusive vision of Glenn Murcutt’s Australian Islamic Centre
“The building sets out to be physically and psychologically inclusive. It speaks eloquently of both its current Australian context and ancient Islamic culture.”
Feb 10, 2018 | Metaphysics & Spirituality
The spiritual foundations of our contemporary desire for private space
“…the notion of solitude was essential to the development of concepts we now see as foundational for western society: individualism, freedom, social and political equality, democracy.”
Jan 13, 2018 | Metaphysics & Spirituality, Well-being & Ecology
An interview with Judith Hanson Lasater
“This is the freedom that yoga offers: it allows us to find that moment when we can choose the empathetic response, the compassionate response.”
Nov 18, 2017 | Arts & Literature, Metaphysics & Spirituality, Remarkable Lives
John Lloyd talks to Jane Clark and Hilary Papworth about the philosophy behind the QI project
“Nothing is as simple or obvious as it seems. Everything has an underside – something hidden deep inside it which is completely astonishing.”
Jun 10, 2017 | Metaphysics & Spirituality, Remarkable Lives
Vin Harris talks about the life of a remarkable man
“The purpose is not to preserve traditions for their own sake, but because they are of value to a world which desperately needs to be reminded of the vital importance of kindness and compassion.”