Win £500 (1st) or £250 (runner-up) for the best unpublished essays by writers under the age of 30 on the subject:

Enriching our relationships
How can a spiritual or unifying perspective help us develop a new understanding of ourselves and so lead to more profound ways of relating, both as indi­viduals and as a society, to nature and to each other?

The question can be addressed within any of the categories which are covered by the Beshara Magazine: for example , the Arts, Ecology and Global Affairs, Metaphysics and Spirituality, Well-being, Education and Society.

Closing date for entries is November 16th, 2025.

The essay must be in English, and not more than 4000 words in length (excluding any notes, references, bibliography and summary).

Winning essays will be published in Beshara Magazine.

Download the Young Writer Award poster:

Young Writer Award poster

Download the Young Writer Award entry conditions:

Young writer Award entry conditions

Download the Young Writer Award entry form:

Young Writer Award entry form

Submit your filled-in entry form and your essay by e-mail to

