Readers’ Writings

August 2024

Davy King


Sufi Blues

got the sufi blues again
sufi blues
that’s the news


Davy King was born 72 years ago. He is married with a 13-year-old son. And keeps fairly busy.
If you follow this link [/] and enable sound in your browser you can accompany the poem with jazz from the Blue Sufi track (from album Aziza) by Dave Holland, Chris Potter, Lionel Loueke, Eric Harland etc. You can see more of Davy’s work on his website

David Potter


Where by rivers we may pause

We may come to a place
where the lilies grow
and the sleepy silver willows
lean over the waters
of slow rivers
as in some painter’s pastoral scene
a tapestry of dreams unfolding
if we but deem
to whisper our sorrows away there

Still white birds
drift on the solemness
hearts find solace
in this realm of adagio
the voices of night’s angels
conjuring this peaceful place
as with folded wings
they quietly sing this space into being-
a pause of infinite possibilities
——in between time
and all life’s turns and tides

The  spell of silence
immeasurably enfolds us
before we tread
the trestle of dawn again
and the wheel takes us
to that destiny delayed
but re-woken
where memory can no longer hold us
and the song on our lips
is born of bold and beautiful tomorrows
yet unspoken


David Potter lives near Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire. Poet, singer-songwriter & conservationist, he started writing in the 1960s where threads of utopia, protest and emerging environmentalism have underlain and informed his work ever since. He is currently putting together a poetry collection and CD of songs.

Paul Finegan


The Heart of a Poem

What is the heart of a Poem?

A place of silence
No matter what the spinning words may tell,
all is gathered to appoint where beginning may unfold
whilst Beauty holds still

I cannot see the poem behind me,
it too is waiting to unfold,
as Love moves across it, and All is brought to view


Paul Finegan is a student of Beshara, having begun over 40 years ago. He has been writing stories, plays, sketches, and poems since he was a child, and one poem he wrote called ‘Coronation’ received a letter of congratulations from HM the Queen! He wrote a collection of poems about war called Afghan Days, Babylon Nights, which he and fellow actor Anthony Mulligan performed at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2012 and 2013, which received an excellent review from the Huffington Post.





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