Free, Fair and Alive

Michael Dunwell | This inspiring book by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich explores in depth the theory and practice of ‘The Commons’ – a new way of thinking about economics that is not based upon the individual per se, but recognises the deep connections between our own interests and well-being of others.

A Secret History of Christianity

Johnathan Sunley | Mark Vernon’s new book draws upon the ideas of Owen Barfield, ‘the last Inkling’, to give us a deeper perspective not only on Christianity but also on the way that human consciousness and spirituality has evolved. In the contemporary world, he argues, “we must be mystics”.

Consciousness and the Computer

Richard Gault | Jeremy Naydler’s book In the Shadow of the Machine: The Prehistory of the Computer and the Evolution of Consciousness is an erudite and insightful exploration of digital technology and its philosophical/spiritual meaning.