Review: Dante’s Divine Comedy: a Guide for the Spiritual Journey
Barbara Vellacott | reviews a new book by Mark Vernon which guides us through Dante’s epic poem canto by canto
Barbara Vellacott | reviews a new book by Mark Vernon which guides us through Dante’s epic poem canto by canto
Christopher Ryan | pays a poetic tribute to the South African archbishop and human rights activist who died on 26th December
Kenneth Avery explores the famous story of Shaykh San‘an
“What is important today is the view that friendship and love cut across religious or denominational horizons and connect believers and unbelievers alike.”
James Harpur | contemplates St Columba, Covid and the Rainmaker, and asks: how can we make our living conditions less hostile?
Jane Clark | presents a short video by the pioneering eco-philosopher and activist
Richard Gault | reviews three epic tales from a master storyteller