Nov 20, 2019 | Finance & Global Affairs
Kawther Luay explains how the Homeless World Cup is giving hope to thousands of people all over the world, and talks to its co-founder Mel Young
“Being a part of something bigger than themselves has the potential to change peoples’ lives.”
Nov 24, 2018 | Finance & Global Affairs
How a nation is trying to heal the wounds of its colonial past and reconcile with its indigenous people
“People had been asked: ‘What can be done to heal the situation?’ and many had replied, ‘If only someone would say sorry’.”
Oct 27, 2018 | Finance & Global Affairs
Jane Carroll visits a new memorial which aims to heal a dark period of American history
“We have to face up to the past in order to come to a proper understanding of ourselves and our world.”
Apr 8, 2018 | Finance & Global Affairs
Political strategist David Bollier explains how a new economic/cultural paradigm is challenging the increasing ‘enclosure’ of wealth and human creativity
“Identity and human flourishing come about through having a connection, a relationship with others, including non-human life and the earth itself.”
Dec 16, 2017 | Finance & Global Affairs, Science & Technology
Kate Raworth’s new book asks: how we can reconcile the needs of humanity with the needs of the planet?
“The most powerful tool in economics is not money, nor even algebra. It is a pencil. Because with a pencil you can redraw the world.”
Oct 21, 2017 | Arts & Literature, Finance & Global Affairs
Andrew Singer talks about the vision behind the literary journal Trafika Europe
“Regardless of the political and economic uncertainty, there is a cultural continuity and a unity to Europe that already stretches back hundreds of years.”