Introducing: Firestacks: Time, Tide and Gravity
Fiona Bisset | presents a video about Julie Brook’s remarkable installation in the Outer Hebrides
Fiona Bisset | presents a video about Julie Brook’s remarkable installation in the Outer Hebrides
Kenneth Avery explores the famous story of Shaykh San‘an
“What is important today is the view that friendship and love cut across religious or denominational horizons and connect believers and unbelievers alike.”
David Hornsby | pays tribute to the Lebanese writer and painter who died in Paris on 14th November at the age of 96
Richard Gault | reviews three epic tales from a master storyteller
Robert Darr reflects on his long relationship with the people and culture of this ancient land, and shares his insights into its present situation
“No matter how powerful you are, there is nothing you can do to counteract the effect of beauty… the Taliban ultimately can’t succeed because the Afghan people are too strongly rooted in their music and poetry.”
Susanne Sklar provides insight into the meaning of the famous ‘Jerusalem’ hymn
“Jerusalem is a woman, a city and a way of life… She abhors exploitation, and orchestrates what we would call ‘a global fair trade network’.”