George William Russell: A Forgotten Irish Mystic

Gabriel Rosenstock gives a poetic response to twelve visionary paintings by the ‘myriad-minded’ writer and polymath

‘[Through his works] we may see the world once more in its primal beauty, may recover a sense of the long-forgotten but inextinguishable grandeur of the soul’

Rolling Out the Doughnut

Leonora Grcheva of DEAL talks about how Kate Raworth’s innovative economic theory is being translated into sustainable practice in cities across the world

‘The Doughnut gives us a new way to conceptualise who we are, how we position ourselves as part of the living world, and how we can reimagine our future’

The Power of Gold

Alan Ereira talks about his new book, which traces the relationship between human beings and this most precious metal over a period of 7,000 years

‘The notion that gold contains immutable value is somehow enormously powerful. Of course, gold doesn’t actually have that value in itself; we attribute that to it without thinking, unconsciously.’

The Philosophy of Prayer

Distinguished theologian George Pattison talks about the meaning of prayer in the modern world and how it brings us to awareness of our essential nothingness

‘Our starting point always has to be that we are not makers of our own being, but we are before we start doing anything for ourselves.’